Friday, October 3, 2008

10,827,900,000 !!!!

No that is not a number from the financial bail out plan. 10,827,900,000 is the approximate number of seeds that we have put down on the golf course over the past four days. This number is derived from the fact that there is typically 240,620 seeds per pound of perennial ryegrass and we put down 45,000 lbs of seed. As of noon on Friday all the grass seed is on the ground. What remains in to work the seed into the turf canopy and some clean up of seed that was thrown into bunkers and on cart paths.
The good news is that the possibility of rain is in the forecast for tomorrow. A 1/2" of rain would do wonders for helping the seed start its process towards germination.
The overseeding process went similar to years past and on an efficient schedule. The only modification that was made was fairways #8 and #9 were seeded at a slightly lower rate. All our fairways are typically seeded at 600 lbs of seed per acre. Fairways #8 and #9 were seeded this year at 400 lbs per acre. Over the course of the winter we will be looking at the difference in playability and turfgrass density. Then next summer we will compare rate of transition to bermuda grass versus the fairways that are seeded at a higher rate.

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