Monday, September 29, 2008

Overseeding Begins!

Today marked the first day the course is closed for our annual fall overseeding. Over the course of the next five days we will be renovating fairways through verticutting and scalping. Once that is complete, we will seed perennial Ryegrass at a rate of 500 lbs per acre. After the seed is put down and worked into the bermudagrass canopy, we will irrigate in short cycles on a very frequent basis in order to keep the seed moist and promote germination. In addtion to overseeding, we also aerified greens utilizing two different machines. Once the holes were punched, we topdressed, applied soil admendments based on recent soil chemical tests and rolled the putting surfaces.
Check back over the next few days to get a detailed account of the process that we will be going through, including pictures, and updates as to how we are progressing.

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