Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wild Week of Weather!

Last Thrusday we hit 87.5 degrees, then we cooled off by Sunday to 53 degrees and 4/10" of rain. Following rain Monday brought us winds that hit 45 mph. Now that the wind has subsided we have hit 30 degrees that last two mornings. These are big swings that keep us on our toes when it comes to managing the golf course.

The winds brought one casuality:

This is the pine that was on #2 hole about 100 yds from the green right of the fairway.

The winds also left us with a lot of debris to clean up. In addition to cleaning up debris this week, we have aerified tees, verticut and topdressed greens and repaired a main line irrigation break behind #14 green.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Getting back to Normal

After a very successful AT&T our maintenance operation as been full steam ahead in getting the golf course back into shape for the membership. The first priority is getting the rough mowed. On Tuesday we mowed all the rough on holes 1, 10, 18 and 2 thur 9. Today we will finish the rough on holes 11 thur 17 and then head back to the other holes. The current rough cutting height is 2 1/4" Within a few weeks we hope to be back to our normal height of 2"

Here is a photo of rough mowing taking place this morning.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Practice Round

Practice Rounds started today. Very few pros are out today as it is probably a recovery day for those that played in Newport Beach. Richie is out on the course playing his practice round with our Head Pro Mr. Cliver. Between the two of them I am sure that they can figure out the course.

Rich's tee time for the pro-am on Wednesday is 7:40 of the 1st tee.
Final grooming is taking place on the course. The roughs are being topped at 2.25" and the greens are rolling 11 feet on the stimpmeter. This picture was taken of the 8th hole a few minutes ago.