Over the years, one of the most problematic areas of the course is our lakes. The lakes heat up in the summer time causing algae to bloom, fish to be starved of oxygen and give a off a smell that is not so pleasant. Some of the causes of our lake problems are excessive organic matter on the bottoms, excessively shallow, and a lack of water movement and aeration. The first two problems would require complete reconstruction. The last problem is something that can be addressed. Yesterday we completed installation of an aeration system on our irrigation lake. 9 air diffusers are set up through out the lake to help maintain oxygen levels and circulate the lake vertically through the summer.
Currently the Pondweed in lake is actively growing. Today and tonight we will be lowering the lake level through irrigation. Then on Wednesday morning we will chemically treat the pondweed. The lake level will need to remain low for 48 hours and no water can be removed from the lake in order for the herbicide to work properly. The herbicide does not harm the fish or other wildlife. Once 48 hours pass we will refill the lake a resume normal irrigation on the course.
The photo shows one of the lake aerator pods. Also in the lower portion of the photo you see the pondweed that growing near the banks of the lake.

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