Sunday, May 18, 2008

Golf Course Update

As we continue to battle through another early summer heat wave here is an update as to a few of the things we are doing to provide excellent playing conditions:
  • We continue to irrigate Tees and Fairways every other or every third night. We are going through wet and dry cycles to promote deeper rooting of the Ryegrass and encourage the transition to our summertime bermudagrass. So far I am very encourage by the amount of bermudagrass that is re-populating our fairways.
  • We are two thirds of the way done with our early summer fairway aerification. We should be completed by next friday.
  • Next week we will be changing some of our annual flowers around the clubhouse. We will be installing some flowers that have been proven winners for the hot Santa Clarita Summers. Some of the flowers that we will be installing include: Salvia, Vinca, Impatients (Shade only), and Dianthus.
  • Greens are doing well. We have establish a dense stand of turf and a deep root system heading into the summer. We will continue to water the greens deeply and infrequently to encouarge deeper rooting. During the middle of the day on days where the temperature exceeds 95 degrees we will be syringing the turf to provide temporary cooling of the turf canopy. Syringing is accomplish by provide a very small amount of water either via a hose or sprinkler head to wet the leaf of the grass plant. The air movement across the wet leaf blade then creates a cooling effect for the plant.

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