Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Seeded Bermudagrass Trial

One of the projects that we have been working on this summer is a seeded bermudagrass trial. This trial is taking place between the 18th hole and the maintenance facility. It includes 8 different varieties and is designed for us to help see which do best in our specific micro-climate.

The photo above shows the plots at seeding. Each plot measures a 1000 sqft. and was seeded very carefully to avoid cross contamination among the varieties.

A quick lesson on bermudagrasses. Two different species of bermudagrasses exist for use on golf courses. One species, commonly referred to as Hybrid Bermuda can only be reproduced vegetatively. The seed that Hybrid Bermuda produces is sterile, and therefore, can only be reproduced by the spread of living plant parts such as stolons and rhizomes. On the other hand, common bermudagrass produces a viable seed and can be spread via traditional seeding methods. Plant breeders select plants that possess desirable characteristics. Some of the varieties in the trial are designed to be more cold tolerant, while other are designed to have a smaller leaf blade and others yet are designed to have a darker green color.

Currently the bermuda grasses are up and growing and being mowed at rough height. Through this winter we will keep the height at rough height and then next spring we will lower to fairway height. Out of this trial we will hope to identify which varieties will be best to mix in our divot mix in the summer months. In addition to finding out this technical turf data, our maintenance staff now has a place to play a pick up soccer game during their lunch break.

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